Archive for June 4th, 2008

Why Your Job Hunt Isn’t Like Barry the Bee’s, Part II

Photo by bbum

Yesterday’s post served to remind job seekers that picking a job or career could be worse…You could be a bee who, after a 3-week course of study, must choose a vocation in the hive for the rest of his life!

I promised more reasons not to stress out about a job search in Part II…

In her blog, “Take the Pressure Off the Process of Choosing A Career,” Penelope Trunk makes some great points that are perfect to support the “don’t sweat it too much” theory of job hunting. She suggests the following points (commentary my own):

Squash perfectionist tendencies and get comfortable in gray areas.
No job is perfect. The job hunt is a process. For some, a lifelong process, of exploring. Things will change along the way. Your life will change, which may require your job goals to change. Or vice verse. Again, the key point is that no choice is set in stone, so don’t feel that you have to make a “perfect” choice.

Stop looking for a career to save your life.
Penelope notes that “a career can’t make you happy.” If you expect the “perfect” job to make your life complete, you may be waiting a very long time. Relax about the career choices you make. Be lucky that you’re not a bee…If you don’t like your job, you can make a change. It’s not a good idea to approach jobs without foresight and research to determine what is right, but there are no life-long contracts. If it doesn’t work out, you can adapt and find something new.

Don’t wait until you know yourself.
How can you know yourself until you try yourself? This does not only apply to young job seekers, but anyone in the working world. If you have been doing the same job your whole life, how will you know if something else might be better suited to your skills, needs and interests?

In today’s working world, no one expects you to have one job for life. Unlike Barry the Bee, your choices are only limited by your skills and desires. Think of this as an opportunity…The world is your flower. Don’t waste time buzzing around the same hive!

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June 2008